
天使 Camp 2001 年开办以来。孩子们最喜欢最开心的假期时光!

2020 线上天使舞蹈和文化娱乐暑期班!





舞蹈课:基本功训练课, 中国舞, 芭蕾, 爵士舞, K-POP , 和现代舞。暑期课学习独舞,新颖独特!因材施教。

欢迎 4-18 岁孩子们参加

时间6/15-8/31,11 周。



7-9 岁 周一 2:00-3:00 PM

10-13 岁 周二 2:00-3:00 PM

《唱歌课》Sophie & Celine 老师

4-6 岁 周五 1:30-2:20 PM

7-9 岁 周五 2:25-3:25 PM

10岁+ 周四 3:00-4:00 PM


4-6 岁 周二4-5 PM Rachel W 老师

7-9 岁 周一11:00-12:00 Robin 老师

10 岁+ 周四 4:00-5:00 PM 油画( 需准备材料)Rachel H 老师

《烘培课》Aurora 老师

周四 1:30-3:00 PM

《泥人艺术课》Apple & Dana 老师

4-6 岁 周二10:00-11:00 AM

7-9 岁 周三9:30-10:30 AM

7-9 岁 周三10:30-11:30 AM

10岁+ 周四 10:00-11:00 AM

《儿童化妆及盘发课》Ashely & Jasmine 老师

6-9 岁 周三1:30-2:30 PM

10岁+ 周二1:00-2:00 PM






《 化妆课》



设计舞蹈裙;设计Leotard Logo名字




4-6岁和7-9 岁

“A step by step drawing class for beginner or intermediate artists. We will be drawing all sorts of things from still life, animals, plants and flowers and more!”


This class is a basic introduction to oil

painting- the hardest of the 3 core

painting styles. After learning oil painting procedures and precautions, we will dive

right into our oil painting piece.Throughoutthe course of this class, we will learn

some guidelines and methods we can use

in order to create a great painting, with a

on observation and composition. By the end of the class, each student will

have one complete painting.


Ages 7 – 9: This class will be primarily for kids going into grades 2 – 4. Younger or older kids are welcome if they feel that this level is good for them. In this class, we will be practicing and preparing for two very popular elementary school math competitions, Math Olympiad E and Math Kangaroo. We will be doing problems from these two competitions, as well as discussing some formulas and theories related to the problems.

Ages 10 – 13: This class is for grade levels 5 – 7. Again, younger or older kids are welcome. In this class, we will be discussing problems and theories from two popular middle school competitions, Math Olympiad M and AMC 8. If you are interested in these competitions, or just want to learn some math in a fun and interactive way, please consider joining these classes.


After the foundation is laid, students will be able to create their own designs and make them reality.

we will organize our classes by age. All materials will be provided by Angel Dance



️️BMWBC,C4 和Angel Dance的义工和所有捐赠者,短短两周内给二十几家医院和诊所捐赠出好几万张口罩和其它PPE(Personal Protective Equipments). by noon today total (4/3) donation received$38540.99, total payment (paid/committed) $33495, we have surplus $5045.99. 无论多少,默默相助。️请大家齐心合力支援前线的医护人员️募捐信息请点击 如果您捐献口罩请放在511 Newtown Rd , Littleton教会门口的捐献箱。捐款方式:所有捐款请注明 “Fight COVID-19